Many times some people ask me if I have friends, if I go out with friends? How many friends do I have?

My answer is, I don’t go out with anyone, I have one or two close friends, but I couldn’t say that I have best friends.

I learned in the worst way to be a woman who distrusts everything and everyone, I learned that I had no friends I only have many people I know.

And I don’t feel bad to say it, the things we live, people around us, bad experiences, we trust wrong people, all that made me who I am today, I became a woman who knows many people, but who at the same time I am someone very lonely, and no one knows my life, I find it difficult to let someone in my life.

They say I’m lonely, some don’t like my way of being, my way of thinking, of seeing life, I seem to them a boring woman, the fact of not doing what many want. If I don’t want something, I just don’t. No one forces me to do anything, I am totally free to do what I really want.

I am alone, I am a lonely woman, and they are right because it’s true , I am someone like that, I am happy, I like to share only with real people, with people I love, with people who know who love me and appreciate me for being the woman I really am.

Personally I think I am a very real woman in a world full of so much hypocrisy.

I am too direct for those who love to live in lies.

I’m not satisfied with false friends, I prefer to be with someone true, without masks.

I am a fairly lonely person, because if I realize that it is a fake company, in that case I prefer to be alone, I do not want to waste my time with hypocritical people.

I love real people, saying what you like and don’t like, telling the truths face to face, I prefer to say a thousand times what I don’t like than becoming one more hypocrite of the bunch.

If you are really in my life it is because you are someone very important to me, if something is not working and I ask you to talk about it, it is because I do not want to lose you or lose what we have, if I did not care I would just move away without saying anything, or wanting to fix things.

I am surrounded by many people, I am someone very talker with everyone, but I am still lonely.