I have heard women saying, I want to be perfect, comparing themselves and wishing they had other women’s bodies.

As a woman I recognize and have even come to admire the body of a woman who works hard to take care of her health and her figure and I have even told them how beautiful they look.

It must be recognized that there are beautiful women and there are always some more beautiful than others. but also from the point of view that you see it, there are women who will be beautiful for some and not for others.

In this time, people blind themselves and let themselves be carried away only by the physical aspect and they forgot the beauty of the true essence of a woman, they only see the one who shows her body the most, the one with the best legs, breasts and buttocks.

Some of us only show our nakedness to the person we love, it is who we really care about and enjoy.

Stop comparing yourself to other women or feel less, love yourself, take care of yourself, and simply be the woman you are, you are God’s perfect creation and whoever really sees how beautiful you are physically and your true essence will make you feel how beautiful and perfect you are. In front the right person.