I don’t understand man; he loses his health to earn money, then loses money to recover his health and by anxiously thinking about the future, he does not enjoy the present, so he lives neither the present nor the future. And he lives as if he never had to die… And he dies as if he had never lived. ( Dalai Lama )

Interesting reflection, and he are so right, we are so much stress, tired, problems, anger, lack of empathy, lack of love.

I very much agree with the work, I know people who are incredible, very responsible, they work hard for those they love, they do a great job every day, some of those I know who are close, I am totally proud of the working men and women they are.

I have something and very rarely am I mistaken, even if they do not tell me in words, let’s say that it is a gift that God has given me, I have the facility to realize in their eyes, in some gestures, many times they say I’m ok, but what they say is not the same as what their eyes say.

I don’t know why, but I realize when someone doesn’t feel well, especially when I care a lot about that someone. I am proud to see how responsible and hardworking men are, every day they get up even if they don’t feel well, they give their best to work.

But just like it, I realize that they cling more and more to work and little by little they forget about themselves, they forget that they need to take a break, give themselves a moment of quality, go out and clear their mind, free it from so much worry and responsibility, forget everything for a moment and enjoy all their effort with the people who love him and he loves too.

Work will always be there, but don’t allow yourself to lose your health, lose those who want even a few minutes of your time, fill yourself with stress and then get sick, it doesn’t make sense to get all that just by living your life just killing yourself by working.

I know that as parents, husbands, they would give even their lives for their family, and that is the most beautiful thing but do not forget that you can’t cover everything just with money or material things, you can’t buy love, when you lose your health you lose your job and all your savings, so think well, work hard but don’t forget the most valuable thing that God has given you, your family, your health, your well-being, your happiness.

We are all replaceable at work, it’s sad to say but it’s the truth, so take a break, a little break from time to time and I assure you that you will return with more energy and do your job much better, and happy to have been able to give time to yourself and those you love the most, that it is worth so much money if you don’t enjoy it and if you don’t have your family.

Have a nice day, with love ❤️