As always, I love having conversations with people older than me.

I had a short but very interesting conversation with someone today, it made me realize something very important and I would like to share it because I know that like me, it still affects us a little.

Many times we do not do certain things because we are worried about what other people think or talk about us, I said that I no longer cared, that was in the past, but it is difficult to put that aside always in one way or another worries us.

This person only told me, you just continue to be who you really are, I see you always smiling, talking to everyone, you make jokes, continue to be you as you are, and don’t care what others say.

Sometimes maybe I want to give someone a hug, say good morning with a kiss to someone special, or stop talking to someone because I’m worried about those who others think.

How long are we going to inhibit ourselves because the one around us will say, they will always say something, say what they want, we stop doing what we want just because they are going to see us and what they are going to say.

The truth is, even if I said I didn’t care, this person today made me see that I still have that problem, maybe not like before but I still care what others say, and the truth is I want to be as I am, let them talk what they want, if I want to give a hug, kiss someone I care about. I just will do it, I don’t care.

That’s my personality and I shouldn’t change it for anyone, that’s me really, someone who likes to give, receive affection and love, I can’t be someone simple because I’m not, and if they say bad things about me for being the way I am, I’m very sorry it’s what they think and with that I won’t do anything about it, it’s their problem not mine.

We change or stop doing things just for people who do not even care if you are well or if you need something, they are simply interested in the life of others, it is up to you on me to make a change and be the way we really are. God made us perfect and brings us closer to people for some reason, everything has a purpose.

Take the good and the bad just get rid of what does not help you, surround yourself with people who add joy and peace in your life, there are already many bitter in this life, being as you are everywhere is not for anyone, finding someone who does not wear masks and behaves as it is truly is very difficult to find, seek to be someone unique, not as society dictates you, if they tell me I am rebellious, yes, I’m. 😉