When we are going through a bad time, I always tell them that no matter how bad and difficult it may be, you will always find a way out, a solution and you will always have a learning experience.

They always tell me that it is impossible to find something positive, but if there is, it all depends on opening your mind, seeing other possibilities, and seeing from another perspective.

With the death of the person I loved the most, respected, I said to her, my favorite person. I learned two things.

The first, what is there to enjoy each moment and each person to the fullest, that the day is today, that tomorrow we are not assured, it used to be very difficult for me to express or show my feelings to the people I love, since she did not here, if I want to say I love you, I miss you, or if I need to hear someone’s voice, even on the phone, I always do it, I express and show more love towards those who love me, I do not keep my feelings, I live and enjoy the love that I have towards those I love.

The second is that it showed me what it is truly to miss someone with all your soul. If you miss someone you say so and now, if you want to give a kiss, a hug, you give it, if you want to see that someone you contact him and see it, They say that not receiving messages from someone is very strange, that someone is far away or someone abandons us, we miss a lot.

When I say that she taught me what it is really to miss is because. Even if I want to hear her voice, her smile, touch her, feel her long hugs, her advice, her double meaning jokes, her exquisite meals, the long talks full of laughter and sometimes just cuddle up crying to comfort me.

That is truly missing someone because you know that even if it is what you want the most, you can never do it.

That is why today I do not shut up what I feel even if they do not have the same feelings for me, I express what I feel and live to the fullest what I feel for that person, it feels good to have beautiful feelings for someone and that nobody should avoid them, because it just happens when you least realize it.

Tomorrow we are not guaranteed, even right now I’m writing, it’s what I love to do, tomorrow or today in the afternoon I don’t know what will happen. If they love me perfect and if not, it is also good because everything happens for a reason. We always have someone who loves us, values who we are, values our unconditional love and affection.
Blessings ❤️